Together with the new retirees Angelika Rappenhöner (12 years with the company), Dieter Wilhelmi (50 years with the company), Matthias Odenthal (49 years with the company), Hubert Plett (50 years with the company) as well as Peter Quente (42 years with the company), they were honoured for their many years of loyalty to DIENES by company boss Bernd Supe-Dienes.
DIENES betrachtet die langfristige Beschäftigung und hochwertige Berufsausbildung der Mitarbeiter als einen der Hauptpfeiler des Erfolgs des Unternehmens.
DIENES is a medium-sized family business with approx. 500 employees in 7 countries. Since 1913, DIENES has been a market leader in the fields of knives, knife holders and cutting systems for industrial applications. The company holds various national and international patents. DIENES knives and knife holders are used to cut, score or perforate a wide variety of materials, e.g. paper, sleeve paper, packaging, labels, adhesive tape, battery foil, nonwoven, cellulose, aluminium, carbon material and much more.
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