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Bottom knives

We are happy to offer you individual dimensions in addition to the standard ones.

Outer diameter105–300 mm
Inner diameter60–250 mm
Standard thicknesses15 / 20 / 25 mm
Standard cutting angle
A DIENES bottom knife.

Bottom knives from DIENES

DIENES is the world’s leading precision supplier of industrial circular knives, knife holders and slitting systems. Of course, bottom knives are also part of the product portfolio.

Use of bottom knives

Bottom knives are usually mounted on electric motor-driven engines. Since the bottom knives are screwed to the motor flange, a quick change of knives is ensured. On the basis of the geometric design, a distinction is made between:

  • Cup knives with one-sided cutting edge
  • T-shaped bottom knives with cutting edges on both sides.

Optionally, both variants can be equipped with carbide-tipped cutting edges to increase their service life.

Tool-free knife change of bottom knives


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Your advantages

  • Highest cutting performance due to optimised surface quality and material selection
  • Exact manufacturing tolerances
  • Can also be used at high cutting speeds
  • Fastening holes ensure a quick change of knives
  • Versions with one-sided and double-sided cutting edge arrangement
  • Can be used for a wide range of machine types
  • Regrindable in manufacturer quality

Standard dimensions

Outer-Ø (d1) mmInner-Ø (d2) mm
60 / 80 / 90105
13090 / 100
200138 / 144 / 150
240140 / 188
250140 / 188

Enquiry form – Bottom knives

For special inquiries you can also contact our contact persons directly.

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Significantly reduce risk of injury with lower blade with safety catch groove

Incorrect positioning of the knife holder and incorrect stroke sequence can cause particles to detach from the top or bottom knife at high cutting speeds. It can also happen that the carbide ring separates from the knife holder of the bottom knife, loosens or is damaged. To minimize this danger, DIENES has developed bottom knives with safety catch grooves.  In the event of a wandering movement, the top knife is caught in this groove. Thus, no damage or breakage of the bottom knife is possible anymore. Secure this savings potential for yourself.

Collars from DIENES

High-quality collars are important for locking bottom knives (grooving knives and circular knives) and allow fastening in any position when fastening screws.

Unique knife quality

The quality of our knives is particularly close to our hearts and is especially important for our customers. Learn here what makes a good knife and how to recognize it.