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Certificates & Standards

DIENES has been certified according to DIN ISO 9001 since 1993. We rely on systematic quality controls that are firmly anchored in the processes, not only for the raw material, but throughout many production steps right up to the finished knife. In this way, we continuously develop our product quality as well as the products in their function.

An analysis within the DIENES slitting laboratory, which is part of the DIENES Slitting Academy.

     There for you for over 100 years

Premium quality certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Highest precision represented internationally with
around 500 employees

Quality is close to our heart

According to our company philosophy, quality is based on goal orientation, on customer orientation and on continuous improvement. Striving for continuous improvement of our products and services is an elementary part of our DIENES quality, our actions and our quality policy. So is the continuous improvement of our quality management system. Through optimal processes we strive for rational and quality-assured products.

The quality and reliability of DIENEs products as well as the fulfillment of legal requirements and framework conditions are expected by our customer and must be guaranteed. To fulfill this task, we have introduced a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Our process- and customer-oriented quality management system for products and services, which fulfills the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001, ensures that we can react quickly to new customer requirements and to market demands, and that we can expand our competitive advantage through innovative solutions. At the same time, we want to continuously improve our internal processes in order to further advance our quality goals. This means that the requirements of the quality management system are integrated into the business processes. Moreover, the necessary resources for the quality management system are available. And then, the importance of meeting the requirements of the quality management system is transparent and communicated to all employees.

Our sites are monitored and certified according to the respective national regulations regarding fire protection, occupational safety, medical care, environmental protection and data security.

This picture shows the ISO Certificate.

Certified according to DIN ISO 9001 since 1993

The process and customer-oriented quality management system for the manufacture of DIENES products is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. This ensures confidence among customers all over the world.Our customers are among the best in their fields. In order to achieve their demanding goals, they need products for their work that are technically and economically reliable. Therefore, each individual product must not only be uncompromisingly tailored to its respective industry- and customer-dependent requirements, but must also prove itself over the long term under extreme conditions. We are your partner who guarantees precisely this holistic, exceptional quality.

Product safety – REACH declaration

Declaration on the Regulation EC1907 / 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH Regulation)

DIENES Werke GmbH & Co. KG is aware of its responsibility within the supply chain and complies with all guidelines required by REACH to ensure a high level of product safety.

DIENES does not manufacture any substances or preparations affected by REACH, nor do we import any. Therefore, in terms of REACH, we are a downstream user in the supply chain, are not subject to any registration obligation and do not have to prepare any safety data sheets.
All products delivered to you by DIENES plants are classified as articles according to the REACH regulation (Art. 3, definition) and are therefore not subject to registration. There are also no substances released from our delivered products under normal or reasonably foreseeable use according to REACH regulation article 7.

We have requested our suppliers to inform us immediately, in accordance with the notification obligation from the REACH Regulation Article 33, if substances of very high concern classified by the ECHA according to the candidate list are contained in the product now or in the future. Furthermore, we will also inform you about relevant changes caused by REACH within the products, their delivery capability as well as the quality of the parts/ products supplied by us to you within the scope of our business relationship and coordinate suitable measures with you in individual cases.

Our quality promise

A “real” quality knife has a long service life with consistent cutting quality, and an extremely low risk of breakage and splintering. With our products, we want to guarantee you exactly that and thus enable you to have an uninterrupted production process.

Our development engineers and production staff therefore leave nothing to chance in order to guarantee service life and safety in your ongoing production.

We work with the highest quality & safety standards

Every second of machine downtime costs money. With expert knowledge and a high level of research, DIENES therefore intensively tests all knives and systems in its own cutting laboratory in all areas of application. For longer blade life and perfect machine tuning. Simply DIENES quality.

Our products are the result of decades of experience and know-how of our engineers and technicians. This, together with the most modern production machines and control equipment, enables us to offer innovative designs of top quality. The following examinations and controls of each workpiece are the prerequisite for all DIENES products.

  • Raw material with certificate of analysis
  • Incoming inspection – the delivered raw material is thoroughly checked for doubles and inclusions
  • First piece inspection – All delivered parts are subjected to an individual inspection.
  • Statistical process control – our modern surface grinding and lapping machines guarantee surface quality and accuracy.
  • Final inspection – We inspect our products for cracks of any kind that are not visible to the naked eye.
  • Test reports on request
  • Supplier audits
  • Customer audits

Certificates & Patents

Since its foundation, technological innovations have played the decisive role. Utility models, patents and trademarks demonstrate the claim to leadership, awards confirm it.

DIENES Patente setzen weltweit Standards im Bereich Schneiden. DIENES Urkunde über die Einreichung des Gebrauchsmusters. DIENES Patente setzen weltweit Standards im Bereich Schneiden.